Create a new embed
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
document_id | required | Integer | One of your document ids or a public document id from the Yumpu Users | |
type | required | Integer | 1 (player), 2 (logo), 3 (link), 4 (button), 5 (cover), 6 (bookshelf) or 7 (player_preset) |
Request parameters by type (1 = player)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
start_page | optional | Integer | Start magazine from page x | 1 |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 620 |
height | optional | Integer | Height of the embed | 580 |
page_view | optional | String | single_page or double_page | double_page |
title | optional | String | Max. characters 255 | Magazine title |
title_font_family | optional | String | The font family used. It can be a system font or a Google Font (Attention: Some Google Fonts may be loaded through external APIs) | ABeeZee:regular:latin |
title_font_weight | optional | String | Bold (y) or normal (n) font weight | n |
title_font_style | optional | String | Italic font (y or n) | n |
title_font_size | optional | Integer | Font size in px (8 - 76) | 14 |
title_font_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | ffffff |
headline_enabled | optional | String | Display headline (title must also be set) - y or n | y |
username_enabled | optional | String | Display username (title must also be set) - y or n | y |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | 253139 |
fullscreen_background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | 253139 |
outline_enabled | optional | String | Display a border of the embed (y or n) | n |
outline_size | optional | Integer | Border width (1 - 5) | 1 |
outline_color | optional | String | Border color (hexadecimal value, 6 characters) | 333333 |
icons_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | ffffff |
arrows_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | ffffff |
text_font_weight | optional | String | Bold (y) or normal (n) font weight | n |
text_font_style | optional | String | Italic font (y or n) | n |
player_autoflip_enabled | optional | String | Autoflip pages (y or n) | n |
player_c2r_enabled | optional | String | Display click to read button (y or n) | y |
player_c2r_text | optional | String | Click to read text | Click to read |
player_c2r_destination | optional | String | Onclick link of click to read button (fullscreen or on yumpu) | fullscreen |
player_c2r_type | optional | String | Template style of click to read button (buttonClassic, buttonRounded, iconEye, iconPlay) | buttonClassic |
player_c2r_mobile | optional | String | Template style of click to read button in mobile (buttonClassic, buttonRounded, iconEye, iconPlay) | buttonClassic |
player_elements_page_numbers | optional | String | Display page numbers (y or n) | y |
player_elements_logo | optional | String | Display logo (y or n) | y |
player_elements_overview | optional | String | Display overview (y or n) | y |
player_elements_search_embed | optional | String | Display search button in GUI when embedded == true (y or n) | n |
player_elements_fs_share | optional | String | Display facebook link (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_download | optional | String | Display download link (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_print | optional | String | Display link to print the magazine (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_recom | optional | String | Display recommended (y or n) | y |
Request parameters by type (2 = logo)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 64 |
background_shape | optional | String | Template of the embed (circle, rounded, square, y) | circle |
color | optional | String | Color (orange, white, black, grey) | orange |
destination | optional | String | Onclick link (magazinePage or magazine) | magazine |
destination_fullscreen | optional | String | Onclick link fullscreen (y or n) | n |
Request parameters by type (3 = link)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 271 |
height | optional | Integer | Height of the embed | 43 |
title | optional | String | Max. characters 255 | Magazine title |
title_font_family | optional | String | The font family used. It can be a system font or a Google Font (Attention: Some Google Fonts may be loaded through external APIs) | ABeeZee:regular:latin |
title_font_weight | optional | String | Bold (y) or normal (n) font weight | n |
title_font_style | optional | String | Italic font (y or n) | n |
title_font_size | optional | Integer | Font size in px (8 - 76) | 14 |
title_font_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | 0082b2 |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters or transparent | transparent |
outline_enabled | optional | String | Display a border of the embed (y or n) | n |
outline_size | optional | Integer | Border width (1 - 5) | 1 |
outline_color | optional | String | Border color (hexadecimal value, 6 characters) | 333333 |
destination | optional | String | Onclick link (magazinePage or magazine) | magazine |
destination_fullscreen | optional | String | Onclick link fullscreen (y or n) | y |
download_pdf_enabled | optional | String | Show download pdf link (y or n) | n |
download_pdf_title | optional | String | Text of the download PDF link | download PDF |
Request parameters by type (4 = button)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
start_page | optional | Integer | Start magazine from page x | 1 |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 118 |
height | optional | Integer | Height of the embed | 39 |
title | optional | String | Max. characters 255 | Magazine title |
text_font_family | optional | String | The font family used. It can be a system font or a Google Font (Attention: Some Google Fonts may be loaded through external APIs) | ABeeZee:regular:latin |
text_font_weight | optional | String | Bold (y) or normal (n) font weight | n |
text_font_style | optional | String | Italic font (y or n) | n |
text_font_size | optional | Integer | Font size in px (8 - 76) | 14 |
text_font_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | FFFFFF |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters or transparent | 253139 |
destination | optional | String | Onclick link (magazinePage or magazine) | magazine |
destination_fullscreen | optional | String | Onclick link fullscreen (y or n) | y |
download_pdf_enabled | optional | String | Show download pdf link (y or n) | n |
download_pdf_title | optional | String | Text of the download PDF link | download PDF |
Request parameters by type (5 = cover)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
start_page | optional | Integer | Start magazine from page x | 1 |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 280 |
height | optional | Integer | Height of the embed | 399 |
title | optional | String | Max. characters 255 | Magazine title |
title_font_family | optional | String | The font family used. It can be a system font or a Google Font (Attention: Some Google Fonts may be loaded through external APIs) | ABeeZee:regular:latin |
title_font_weight | optional | String | Bold (y) or normal (n) font weight | n |
title_font_style | optional | String | Italic font (y or n) | n |
title_font_size | optional | Integer | Font size in px (8 - 76) | 14 |
title_font_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | FFFFFF |
headline_enabled | optional | String | Display headline (title must also be set) - y or n | y |
username_enabled | optional | String | Display username (title must also be set) - y or n | y |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters or transparent | 253139 |
destination | optional | String | Onclick link (magazinePage or magazine) | magazine |
destination_fullscreen | optional | String | Onclick link fullscreen (y or n) | y |
border_disabled | optional | String | Show just cover, no border, no username, no title (y or n) | n |
download_pdf_enabled | optional | String | Show download pdf link (y or n) | n |
download_pdf_title | optional | String | Text of the download PDF link | download PDF |
cover_c2r_enabled | optional | String | Click to read (y or n) | n |
Request parameters by type (6 = bookshelf)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
section_title_enabled | optional | String | Show section titles (y or n) | y |
headline_enabled | optional | String | Display headline (title must also be set) - y or n | y |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | 253139 |
destination_fullscreen | optional | String | Onclick link fullscreen (y or n) | y |
force_swf_overlay | optional | String | Force SWF overlay (y or n) | n |
cpMagT | optional | String | Show centipede magazine titles (no, top or bottom) | no |
Request parameters by type (7 = player_preset)
Name | Optional / Required | Data type | Description | Default |
start_page | optional | Integer | Start magazine from page x | 1 |
width | optional | Integer | Width of the embed | 620 |
height | optional | Integer | Height of the embed | 548 |
background_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | 253139 |
icons_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | ffffff |
arrows_color | optional | String | Hexadecimal value, 6 characters | ffffff |
player_autoflip_enabled | optional | String | Autoflip pages (y or n) | n |
player_c2r_enabled | optional | String | Display click to read button (y or n) | y |
player_c2r_text | optional | String | Click to read text | Click to read |
player_c2r_destination | optional | String | Onclick link of click to read button (fullscreen or onyumpu) | fullscreen |
player_c2r_type | optional | String | Template style of click to read button (buttonClassic, buttonRounded, iconEye, iconPlay) | buttonClassic |
player_elements_page_numbers | optional | String | Display page numbers (y or n) | y |
player_elements_logo | optional | String | Display logo (y or n) | y |
player_elements_overview | optional | String | Display overview (y or n) | y |
player_elements_search_embed | optional | String | Display search button in GUI when embedded == true (y or n) | n |
player_elements_fs_share | optional | String | Display facebook link (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_download | optional | String | Display dowload link (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_print | optional | String | Display link to print the magazine (y or n) | y |
player_elements_fs_recom | optional | String | Display recommended (y or n) | y |
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document_id type
Run request
Whatever language you are using, the result will be the same.
Last updated